Description of the Qualification

The Commercial Property Agent Short Course is designed to equip you with the essential knowledge and skills needed to sell and lease commercial property effectively. Upon completing this course, you’ll receive a Statement of Attainment that outlines the specific units of competency you’ve achieved. This short course is designed to enable you to confidently pursue a career as a professional  commercial property agent in the commercial real estate industry. Please note that this course is intended for those who already hold a Class One or Class Two Licence and are currently registered with Fair Trading NSW.

Course Name:

Skill Set (Commercial Sales and Leasing)

(CPPSS00071 - Commercial sales and leasing )

Course Structure:

To complete this short course, you must demonstrate competency in the following units of competency:

CPPREP4201 Appraise commercial property 

CPPREP4202 Establish and maintain vendor and lessor relationships and networks 

CPPREP4203 Complete commercial property sale 

CPPREP5201 Develop and maintain commercial property market intelligence